Friday, May 26, 2006

Memories of Spokane- Funny Story # 6

Moody Northwest is in a small town. Let me rephrase that- I'm from Chicago, so unless I'm sitting in LA, NYC or Tokyo, the town is going to be small. To Spokanites- this place is pretty big.

Moody Northwest classes run from 7:45am-10am- then they break for chapel then resume class from 11-12. Hour lunch break from 12-1 and then another class from 1-2:45. Most people would bring a lunch to the school so they didn't have to go home or go out for lunch. Moody Northwest doesn't have cafeteria, so going out or bringing your lunch was pretty much the only two options- other than starving.

It was a beautiful day (as were most days in Spokane) and Derek, Chrissy, Brandon, Marty, Kenny & I decided to go grab a bite to eat. We took two cars. Chrissy was the lead car so she was to decide where to go for lunch. We found ourselves at Jack in the Box- to those midwesters that are reading and have never left the Midwest- Jack in the Box (Which Chrissy always called "Jack in the Crack") is like a Hardees- slightly better.

So we walked in and we are all in line deciding what we wanted. I looked at Kenny, "I forgot my wallet." He smiled and said, "I got ya covered." Then he looked in his and discovered he only had $2. We laughed. Everyone started looking around and no one had money! Chrissy said, "It's okay, I have my checkbook you all can pay me back later." ( Checks were accepted at all fast food places in Spokane until April of 2000-I don't know why they stopped, but it was sure nice to have them accept checks that day). We obviously were relieved because Kenny's $2 couldn't go very far.

We all stepped up, one by one, to order. Chrissy ordered last since she was paying and when the total came up she wrote it in and then started laughing hysterically. Then she gasped in fear. She turned around and whispered to all of us as the fast food lady was putting our food in the bags, "In the Pay to the order of line, I wrote 'Jack in the Crack'! Then I realized that it was my last check." We all tried to contain the obvious giggle that overtook us. The lady returned to the counter and raised an eyebrow, suspicious of our laughter. Chrissy approached the lady and she repeated the total. So Chrissy signed that check and handed it to her saying, " I think I made a mistake on the check." The fast food lady took it and gave it a quick glance, " Looks okay to me!" and there she fed it right through the check processor. She ten handed us our food and we really didn't know what to do with it. We were stunned she took it, or didn't read it completely. So we sat down and had a good story to tell because of it.

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